What can I do if my neighbors play loud music during the day?

I rent an apartment and I work remotely after the pandemic. Recently, a new neighbor downstairs has started playing loud music during the day ever since they moved in. It’s so loud that my colleagues can hear it when we are having a virtual meeting. What can I do other than break the lease?

First, you can write a note which avoids the awkwardness of in-person conversation. If the note doesn’t work, you can knock on the door and politely ask whether they can turn down the music. Then, you can try to contact the leasing office or any other third-party management company to deal with the situation. Further, you can call the police if they still go on and on playing loud music. The last resort is breaking the lease and moving to a quiet community or an apartment with noise and sound ordinances.


Elena G.
Elena G.
Answered on March 4, 2022

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